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Canadian Band Association

Historic Dates


compiled by Ken Epp, until 2014

compiled by John Balsillie, 2015-onward

1918 -  Captain John Slatter suggests a Canadian association of bandmasters be formed.

1921 -  Al Robertson and several Toronto businessmen arrange for the Canadian National Exhibition to offer

             cash prizes for a band contest.

1924 -  Competing bandsmen meet at CNE festival to form Ontario Amateur Band Association. Charles Thiele

             elected president.

1931 -  Sep 1 - Following the CNE Band festival, 35 bandmasters gather to form the Canadian Bandmasters

             Association.   John Slatter elected President.

1933 -  Formal application made for a national charter.

1934 -  Apr 20 - Letters Patent received from Ottawa.

1937 -  CBA successfully amends Municipal Act of Ontario making it possible for any community to vote

             on permanent support for the local band. About 50 communities use the Ontario Band Tax Law to

             support local bands.

1942 -  Eighteen members meet to consider surrendering charter as interest in CBA fades. Thiele and

             T. E. Jackson encourage organization to carry on. Jackson elected as President. Robertson appointed Secretary.

1948 -  CBA absorbs OABA and authorizes a committee to run CNE band contest.

1954 -  Oct 16 - Alberta applies for chapter status.

1955 -  Apr/May - Jean Bach of Quebec advises Ontario that the Amateur Bands Association of Quebec will

             send a delegation to all CBA conventions and gatherings.

             Aug 13 - Ontario/Quebec request joint chapter status.

1956 -  Oct 10-12 - Ontario/Quebec combine as second CBA chapter.

             Oct 27 - Dominion Council renamed National Council.

             Dec 27 - BC meets to form chapter.

1957 -  Jan 25 - Manitoba meets to form chapter.

             Feb 3 - Saskatchewan meets to form chapter. Quebec requests their own chapter and Ont/Quebec

             chapter is dissolved.

             Oct 5 - Bandmasters meet in Amherst to discuss formation of Maritime chapter.

1958 -  CBA bank account split equally between National and Ontario/Quebec chapter.

1963 -  Jun 29 - Quebec formally requests chapter status.

1964 -  National Convention discusses the possibility of a National Youth Band.

1965 -  Jul 16 - Agreed that after 1965, conferences will be held bi-annually.

1966 -  Manitoba reports it is inoperative.

1967 -  Feb - CBA newsletter editor, Robertson passes away and after a memorial issue, newsletter is discontinued.

1968 -  Nov 11 - CBA changes its name to the Canadian Band Directors Association. CBDA affiliates with the

             Canadian Music Educators Association.

1969 -  Aug 25 - BC reports it is inoperative. Nova Scotia requests and is granted permission to create

             chapter separate from Maritime chapter.

1970 -  Alberta expresses concern about lack of communication with National.

1971 -  Nov 11 - CBA and CMEA cease their affiliation. Nova Scotia reports to be inactive. No meetings being

             held in NB or PEI. Quebec has relinquished charter. Saskatchewan apparently inactive. Alberta and

             Ontario remain active and after much discussion it was agreed that the National Council continue.

1972 -  Alberta votes to remain connected with National.

1974 - Ontario and Alberta begin exchange of newsletters. Keith Mann reports BC chapter may soon be established.

1975 -  Bob Brown to reconstitute BC chapter. Alberta to refund $5 per BC resident who is an ABA member. Keith

             Mann reports on CBDA interest in PEI, SK and BC. Cost to attend national meetings are paid by CBDA (1/2),

             chapter (1/4), individual (1/4)

1976 -  Jan 16 - Martin Boundy suggests a NYB be formed for '78 convention. National syllabus to be created.

             MB & BC travel costs are reimbursed. Keith Mann to edit a national newsletter. 

             Sep - Mann publishes first Canadian Band Journal.

             Nov 4 - Mann reports that Manitoba wishes to initiate a chapter. East Kootenay applies as CBDA chapter.

1977 -  Feb - Manitoba forms new chapter.

1978 -  Aug 19-22 - Ontario oversees creation of first NYB for CBDA national conference. 

1979 -  Dec 15 - Harry Pinchin, Dennis Orr, Vondis Miller and Duke Pier meet to set time line and contract a

             1980 NYB director.

1980 -  Alberta unable to access provincial 75th anniversary funds for 1980 NYB. Ontario is in debt and considers

             surrendering charter. ABA hosts national convention in Calgary. National Executive reactivates constitution

             and sets up a Trust Deed and Declaration for NYB.

1981 -  Aug 30 - CBDA discontinues operation of CNE contest.

1982 -  Nov 5 - Saskatchewan begins to form a chapter, Manitoba has a charter. Discussion of whether the

             Alberta chapter can provide enough delegates to form a quorum at upcoming CBDA meeting in Chicago.

             Suggestion to move CBDA head office to Calgary.

             Dec 15 - New constitution ratified after 6 hours of discussion.

1983 -  Nov - Ontario chapter has 150 members and Saskatchewan holds first conference in Regina on September 24.

1984 -  Feb - CMEA approached about NYB performing at national conference in London in spring 1985.

             Oct 26 - National meeting in Red Deer draws representation from each western province.

             Dec 12-15 - It is agreed to develop a National Concert Band Festival with the Canadian Stage Band Festival,

             strengthen ties with the Federation des Harmonies du Quebec, and hire Guy Mallabone as part time CBDA

             Managing Director.

1985 -  Dec 19-20 - CBDA enters into gentleman's agreement with the Canadian Music Festivals Association

             (formerly CSBF). Participating bands must be members of CBDA or affiliate chapter.

1986 -  May 8 - Name change to Canadian Band Association is approved in letters patent.

             Oct 23-24 - Under the leadership of CBA President Leary Pearen, and following visits to their provincial

             conferences, the Federation des Harmonies and Maritime Band Association join the CBA.

             Dec 18-19 - MusicFest asks CBA to be involved with selection of concert band syllabus. Each chapter to submit

             additions and deletions to CBA President and MusicFest Concert Band Festival chairperson, Keith Mann.

             CBA Journals distributed to prospective BC members.

1987 -  May 30-31 - Plans made for Canadian Band Week project in fall.

             Dec 17-18 - CBA agrees to leave membership dues at $10 (25% of provincial fee).

1988 -  Nov 11-12 - Keith Mann contracted as Publications Officer for the Directory & Journal. CBA meets with a

             facilitator to develop a Long Term Plan.

1989 -  Dec 15-16 - BC rejoins CBA and there is discussion about a new chapter in Newfoundland. Discussion begins

             to revive the National Youth Band.

1990 -  Jun 9-10 - Discussion with Joan Therens regarding CBA's involvement in the '91 CMEA convention in BC.

             Frank Dunnigan presents a proposal for a 1991 National Youth Band. The 52-member band would be for

             16-18 year olds and cost $700 per student.

             Dec 21-22 - National Music Award renamed National Band Award.

1991 -  Jan - MusicFest prints CBA Directory.

             May - First NYB since 1978 held in conjunction with CMEA conf.  CBA sponsors sessions at the conference.

             Nov 2 - Maritime Band Association becomes umbrella group for associations in Nova Scotia, New

             Brunswick and PEI.

             Dec 21-22 - CBA President (or designate) becomes CMEA liaison. CBA prints 20,000 Instrument Care Brochures.

1992 -  May 26 - MusicFest invites National Youth Band to play at festival.

             Dec 18-19 - Manitoba membership survey is the basis for a review of CBA focus.

             Distinguished Student Musicianship Certificate introduced.

1993 -  Apr - 1993 NYB in Quebec cancelled due to lack of registration.

              Jun 12-13 - Plan for NYB to be held in conjunction with MusicFest.

             Sep 30 - United Musical Instruments agrees to print Directory. MusicFest Canada continues to prepare

             Directory database.

1994 -  May - NYB featured at MusicFest in Toronto.

1994 -  Jun 3-4 - Long Term Plan developed. CBA subsidizes Doug Vaughan's meeting expenses to assist with the

             development of a new chapter in Newfoundland.

1997 -  Dec 19-20 - New dues formula approved;

1998 -  Jun 5-6 - Subsidy travel plan introduced to cover 50% of chapter rep's airfare. 

             Nov 27-28 - CBA considers invitation for NYB to play at ISME 2000 conference in Edmonton. Declines as it

             would be too difficult to form a band in summer.

1999 -  Jun 4-5 - Tim Linsley appointed to produce Directory. CBA purchases a liability insurance policy and makes

             it available to chapters.

            Oct 29 - ABA withdraws from CBA noting provincial finances and lack of support for Alberta proposals.

2000 -  Jun 1-2 - CBA considers a SBA initiative for a National Administrative Guidelines document for instrumental

             music programs. CBA creates a website. CBA provides honourarium for NYB Manager. 

             Dec 1-2 - UMI requests that Directory be printed every second year.

2001 -  May - Keith Mann passes away - Canadian Band Journal ceases.

              Jun 1-2 - Chapters invited to bid to host NYB. Newfoundland/Labrador Band Association (NLBA) reported in

             difficulty. Mark Friesen and Steve Sherman (Alberta) attend CBA meeting as guests. 

             Oct - Alberta rejoins CBA.

             Nov 30-1 - CBA archival material sent to National Library of Canada. CBA considers Don Harris and Denise   

             Grant's proposal for a CBA national journal.

2002 -  May 31-1 - Jim Forde reports on effort to keep NLBA alive. CBA allocates $3,000 as seed money for Canadian

             Winds. Denise Grant and Tim Maloney named as co-editors. Richard Soren hired to handle production.

             Oct - First issue of Canadian Winds.

             Nov 10-11 - Connie Turner leads development of CBA Festival Repertoire List.

2003 -  Oct - Denise Grant resigns as CW co-editor. Daniel Doyon and Fraser Linklater appointed as assistant editors.

             Nov 28-29 - Chapters approve 80% increase in dues to support CW and hire an Executive Director. Tim Linsley

             hired as Publications Manager (CW and Directory). Ken Epp contracted for ad sales.

             CBA adopts National Voluntary Curriculum and Standards for Instrumental Music (Band); A Creative Project;

             and Technical Standards for Percussion. 

2004 -  Jan 1 - Ken Epp contracted as part time CBA Executive Director.

             Jan 12 - First issue of CBA monthly enews.

             May 7-8 - CBA accepts membership application from the Quebec Band Association and Ontario Band  

             Association. CBA approves dues of $12/person to be based on number of CW mailing labels from each chapter.

             Dec 3-4 - Travel subsidy increases funding for chapters to attend meetings. Donation program launched for 

             on-line theory program. Board approves updated Repertoire List developed by Jacquie Dawson and a national


2005 -  May 13-14 - Donations for on-line theory project reaches $10,000 goal.

2006 -  October - CBA celebrates 75th anniversary.

             Nov 23-25 - CBA initiates a meeting with CMEA in Winnipeg to discuss cooperative projects. Adrian Bourgeois

             replaces Elizabeth Sayrs as on-line theory program production manager.

2007 -  Sep - CBA introduces Level 1 of on-line theory program and 40 schools pilot a Teacher's Kit.

2008 -  June 1 - CBA offers Teacher's Kit subscriptions for Level 1 & 2 of the on-line theory course.

             Dec 5 - chapters approve increased dues of $15/person effective 2009.

2010 -  September - Tricia Howe introduces Canadian Repertoire Feature introduced 

2011 -  January - Jason Caslor chairs first Canadian Composition Competition

             November - On-line theory Teacher's Kit is discontinued.

2013 -  January - CBA approves new constitution and by-laws to comply with new Industry Canada continuance


            February - FHOSQ indicates that their funding uncertainty will necessitate their withdrawal from the

            CBA for 2013. 

            August - Industry Canada accepts CBA continuance submission

2014 - October - with the passing of Ken Epp, Tim Linsley volunteers to look after the work of the Executive Director

            for the CBA and the office moves to Yorkton, SK temporarily.

2015 - CBA Board hires John Balsillie to assume the position of the Executive Director part time, and the office is

            relocated permanently to Winnipeg, MB.

2016 - CBA develops and launches a new Website and begins using on-line application forms for many projects.

2017 - Chapters approve increased dues to $18/person and simultaneously remove the fees to chapters for the  

            national insurance costs.

            CBA Board Aprroves, along with approval of the Cable Family, the renaming of the CBA Composition

            Competition to be the Howard Cable Memorial Prize in Composition. The Board also discontinues the

            Core and Affiliate memberships, and approves a new consortium membership structure to broaden this

            project accross Canada.

2018 - Tim Maloney retires from the University of Minnesota and announces he is stepping down from Canadian

            Winds Editor.  CBA Board conducts a search and approves Lynn Tucker & Roger Mantie as the new

            co-editors to begin in January 2019.

            The Howard Cable Memorial Prize in Competion has a record 28 members involved in the consortium

            from accross the country.  It received 20 entries submitted by emerging composers.

2019 - Lynn Tucker & Roger Mantie publish Vol 17 No 2 and Vol 18 No 1 of Canadian Winds as the new co-editors,

            along with Jeremy Brown, Gordon Foote, Mark Hopkins, Gillian MacKay, Karem Simon, Janice Waldron

            as the editorial board.  Fraser Linklater steps down as the associate editor and Timothy Maloney is

            appointed as Editor Emeritus.

©  2024 Canadian Band Association

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