National Awards Program
The CBA Awards are designed to recognize excellence in pedagogy, community building, performance, conducting, composition, and promotion of concert and jazz bands. These awards supplement the work that each provincial chapter does by providing a national stage to acknowledge amateur and professional musicians, composers, directors, enthusiasts, and educators in all phases of their experience across our vast nation. Nominations are made by provincial chapter representatives annually.
1. Since 1976, this award has been presented to a CBA Member who has made an outstanding contribution to band across Canada.
This award recognizes those individuals who have contributed to the promotion, growth, and development of the musical, educational,
and cultural values of band throughout Canada. In addition to national impact, provincial and regional impact are also considered.
2. Criteria could include (but is not limited to):
a. Board/chapter service or activity
b. Developing provincial initiatives
c. Festival and band camp service
d. Fostering of community and Mentorship activity
e. Promotion of band as an art form
3. Traditionally, one award is given per year.
4. This award is the premiere band award in Canada.
CBA National Band Award Recipients - Récipiendaires des prix de l’ACH
1976 Martin Boundy (d), Ontario
1978 Harry Pinchin, Alberta
1978 Wilfred Manning (d), Ontario
1980 Howard Cable(d), Ontario
1986 Keith Mann (d), Alberta
1986 Rob McConnell (d), Ontario
1989 Fred Willett (d), Ontario
1990 Cdr Jack McGuire (d), Nova Scotia
1994 Frank McKinnon (d), Ontario
1994 Lt. Colonel Clifford Hunt (d), Ontario
1996 Bobby Herriot, Ontario
1997 Ronald MacKay (d), Nova Scotia
1998 Bramwell Smith II (d), Ontario
1999 Larry Pearen, Saskatchewan
2000 Robert Mossing, Saskatchewan
2001 Teresa Lee, Manitoba
2006 Ken Epp (d), Manitoba
2007 Jim Forde, Nova Scotia
2007 Gilles Valois (d), Quebec
2008 Don Harris, Saskatchewan
2009 Timothy Maloney, Minnesota
2011 Stephen Chenette, Ontario
2012 Tim Linsley, Saskatchewan
2013 Dennis Beck, Ontario
2014 Fraser Linklater, Manitoba
2016 Frank Dunnigan, Alberta
2017 Ron Murphy, Nova Scotia
2018 Bill Kristjanson, Manitoba
2019 Gillian MacKay, Ontario
2019 Mark Hopkins, Nova Scotia
2020 Dennis Adcock, Alberta
2021 Steve Butterworth, Ontario
2021 Wendy Zander-McCallum, Manitoba
2022 Ardith Haley, Nova Scotia
2023 Brent Ghiglione, Saskatchewan
1. Since 1991, this award has been presented to a person who has embraced the ideals of the Canadian Band Association outside
Canada and is recognized for their contribution to the international band movement, or who has represented Canada or served
in an official capacity in organizations outside Canada. The recipient should be a Canadian citizen, ex patriot, or permanent resident.
2. Criteria could include (but is not limited to):
a. Fostering of Canadian band values in other nations
b. Body of work within and outside of Canada
c. Board service or activity
d. Development of new projects and initiatives
e. Other national and regional recognition
f. Fostering of community and mentorship activity
g. Promotion of band as an art form
3. This award will recognize those individuals who have contributed to the promotion, growth, and development of the musical,
educational, and cultural values of Canadian band outside of Canada.
CBA International Band Award Recipients - Lauréat de l’harmonie internationale de l’ACH
1991 Dr. Vondis Miller (d), Alberta
1999 Robert Eklund, Alberta
2014 Glenn Price, Alberta
2018 Colleen Richardson, Ontario
2021 Gillian MacKay, Ontario
2022 Jason Caslor, Arizona
Since 1991, this award has been presented to a Canadian composer who has made a significant contribution to quality band repertoire,
at any and all levels. For the purposes of this award, the recipient should be a Canadian citizen, ex patriot, or permanent resident.
CBA Canadian Composers Award Recipients - Lauréat du compositeur canadien de l’ACH
1991 Brian Appleby, Alberta
2003 Eddie Graf (d), Ontario
2011 Donald Coakley, Ontario
2012 Howard Cable (d), Ontario
2013 Elizabeth Raum, Saskatchewan
2014 Michael Colgrass (d), Ontario
2017 Allan Gilliland, Alberta
2019 David Marlatt, Ontario
2020 Peter Meechan, Manitoba
2021 Robert Buckley, British Columbia
1. CBA Community Builders are the people and/or organizations that create new initiatives for the band community. A recognized Community Builder engages lifelong learners, fosters community, builds bridges and provides support and connection on a regional, provincial and/or national level. Started in 2021.
2. Criteria could include (but is not limited to):
band leadership
community band societies
festival and/or camp organizations
exceptional band parent/support organizations
mentorship activities
administrative roles
3. More than one award may be presented each year.
CBA Community Builder Award Recipients
2022 Stephen Muise, Nova Scotia
2022 Chris Herrard, Alberta
2022 Anne Fleming-Read, Ontario
1. This award acknowledges exceptional contributions from the global band community to band in Canada. Nominees may include those without Canadian citizenship, or who live outside of Canada. Started in 2021.
2. Examples of service could include (but are not limited to):
festival adjudicators
honour band conductors
clinicians/workshop presenters
teaching mentors
guest soloists
3. Traditionally, one award is given per year.
CBA Friends of Canada Award Recipients
2022 Jens Lindemann, Alberta